The quality of our
inner leadership creates the quality of our lives.

On my website, you'll find resources, trainings and ways of working together one-to-one to help you grow your connection to creativity, beauty and vitality in all your relations, beginning with the relationship with yourself.

Transform your life. Live free & whole.

Nadia is an advisor in leadership and personal development to creative leaders and CEOs who also parent young children. She coaches individuals into being more whole and fully integrated versions of themselves — so they can align with their role within their family creatively and powerfully.

Working Together:

Creative Intimacy:
June 2024

Creative Intimacy is a live virtual 5-week journey using creative writing and art-making to discover and explore your inner world.

One-to-One Sessions

Curated private programs for leaders in their parenting journey who are ready to transform their relationships and their lives.

Courses & Books

Expansive educational resources for people who are self-starters and ready to dive deep on their own time and pace.